Ein Drama mit diesem Mystery

Die Beschreibung des Mystery’s:

The Mystery Cache.

Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience.
Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace.
Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet.
Hamlet, the muggle.
The Ghost, the mystery unvisible.

Act I: Romeo’s flattery.

Scene I: The praising of Juliet.

[Enter Romeo and Juliet]

You are as sweet as the sum of a big golden handsome moon and a
beautiful charming clearest blue blue lovely Heaven!
You are as worried as the sum of yourself and the
difference between my little green handsome pony and a red cat!
Speak your mind!

You beautiful little rose! Open your heart!
You are as sweet as the sum of a cute amazing flower
and a pretty rich flower! Open your heart!

You charming gentle noble peaceful pretty joy. Speak your mind!

Remember me!

[Exit Juliet]

Scene II: Ophelia disturbing.

[Enter Ophelia]

Thou art a bold healthy peaceful Lord!
You are as stupid as the difference between a handsome peaceful sweet rich
brave furry hero and thyself!
You are as normal as the sum of yourself and a blue sky!
Open your heart!

[Exeunt Ophelia and Romeo]

Scene III: The Muggle.

[Enter Hamlet and Juliet]

You miserable fatherless rotten old hairy wolf!
You are as stupid as the difference between a big large black furry cat and
thyself! You are as stupid as the sum of yourself and a fat devil!
Speak your mind!

Remember me!

[Exit Hamlet]

Scene IV: A strange information.

[Enter Romeo]

Thou art a small yellow hamster! Open your heart!

You are as big as the sum of the cube of your little old lamp
and a huge green cow! Open your heart!

[Exeunt Romeo and Juliet]

Act II: Hamlet’s return.

Scene I: The wonderful girl.

[Enter The Ghost and Juliet]

The Ghost:

You are as white as the sum of yourself and a sky!
Speak your mind!

Open your heart!
Open your heart!
You gentle fair white hero!
You are as normal as the sum of yourself and a hamster!
Open your heart!

[Exit The Ghost]

Scene II: Romeo again.

[Enter Romeo]

Recall the wonderful days!
Speak your mind!

[Exit Juliet]

[Enter Ophelia]

Thou art as purple as the sum of a green cow and a chihuahua! Open your heart!
Thou art as lovely as the product of yourself and my amazing purse.
Thou art as noble as the sum of yourself and my son. Open your heart.

[Exeunt Ophelia and Romeo]

Scene III: Hamlet is the geocacher.

[Enter Hamlet and Juliet]

Recall everything you know about geocaching!
Speak your mind!

[Exit Hamlet]

Scene IV: The hidden place.

[Enter Romeo]


Thou art a gentle pretty sunny rose. Open your heart!

Thou art as hairy as the sum of yourself and a wolf. Open your heart.
Thou art as fatherless as the sum of yourself and a death. Open your heart.


Aha – und nun?
Schnell wurde mir klar was hier gemacht werden musste.
Aber das war es auch schon… Die höchste Schwierigkeitsstufe von 5 war wirklich nicht übertrieben.
Ich rechnete und rechnete – Aber wenn die Minuten-Koordinate einen Wert von über 70 ergibt kann es ja schon in der Theorie nicht stimmen. Also holte ich mir vom Owner einen Tipp. Er konnte mir einen Denkfehler zeigen – alles nochmals auf Anfang und neu berechnet.
Hmmm – wieder der Minuten-Wert zu hoch. Die meisten der Vorlogger konnten das Rätsel EDV-Unterstützt sehr schnell lösen. Dies blieb mir leider verwehrt, denn ich bekam das Programm das ich gefunden hatte einfach nicht zum Laufen. Somit musste ich mir bei einem der Vorlogger der das Rätsel ebenfalls mit Papier und Bleistift gelöst hatte einen Gedankenanstoß holen. Dank einem kleinen unverfänglichen Tipp fiel mir mein Fehler wie Schuppen von den Augen… Es hing alles nur an einem Wort das ich falsch gedeutet hatte. Nun war alles klar und auch schnell berechnet – Was für ein Spass! Dafür gab es von mir noch einen Favoriten-Punkt für das Rätsel.
Da ich nun bescheid wusste, konnte ich dem Owner meinen Dank mitteilen:

The Log

Ich, a cacher 
Owner, the mystery owner

Last Act: The Log

[Enter Ich and Owner]

You are as funny as the sum of a little green handsome charming beautiful lovely pony and a charming red cat. Speak your mind!

Remember me!

You are as happy as the sum of yourself and the blue heaven. Speak your mind!

Recall everything you know about trains and rails. Speak your mind!

You are as lucky as the blue smart peaceful sky.
You are as brave as the sum of the square of yourself and a little nice flower.
You are as normal as the sum of yourself and a wolf. Speak your mind!


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